This week, I want to share answers to the questions I get asked the most about what I do:
Q: What is a coach?
A: As a coach, I work with you to challenge your current way of thinking that may be keeping you small and playing it safe. I want to champion you so you live life to the fullest. I help you get out of your head. I am a confidential sounding board when you have something you're working through. As I work with you, we tackle present day problems and begin to build the frameworks that will serve you in the future. As a certified coach, I have been extensively trained in specific and proven methodologies to achieve this.
Clients often come to me when:
they want to make a big move with their career
they may be new to leadership and need help navigating these new responsibilities
they may be feeling depleted at work and want to align their life to their values more completely
Often, my clients will have their workplace sponsor me as their coach. There is a huge ROI or Return on Investment for the company when they have a coach work with their team members. I will share more on that tomorrow.