This past summer, as I was getting ready for the Grand Opening of my physical Hoege Consulting & Coaching office and the launching of my new business venture Waunakee Coworks, I had a million balls in the air.
The day before my open house, I was working with a coach as part of my coaching certification journey. I was unfocused. I was talking about the knots in my stomach, and how stressed I felt.
Going through my mind were questions like:
Will people show up?
Do I have enough food ordered? etc.
My coach stopped me in my tracks and asked something about the celebration.
Me: pause, mind blown, perspective shift - Yes! It WAS a celebration. So much to celebrate. And here I was going to miss it by being distracted with things that were outside of my control.
From that point forward, the stress was less and things slowed down around me. I became present in the moment. And I enjoyed every minute of it.
This is the power of coaching. We move so fast and a powerful question asked by someone can be transformational.
What moments are you missing?